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The May 2022 primary runoff election is Tuesday - here's what you need to know

Polls open at 7 a.m. Tuesday and close at 7 p.m.

SAN ANGELO, Texas — The primary runoff election set for Tuesday, May 24, will allow Texans to decide who they want in office statewide and locally. 

“It’s just choosing the candidates that will go forward to the November election, a lot of times whoever wins in the runoff will be the person who’s actually going to be declared elected. However, you can have write-ins and so forth,” Tom Green County Election Administrator, Vona Hudson, said. 

The primary runoff election is not be limited to local races. Texans will have the ability to vote for either the Democrat or the Republican party candidates of their choice. 

“The Democratic side is statewide. On the Republican side, we have some statewide as well as county judge, commissioner Precinct four, JP Precinct three and we even have a Precinct chair race and Precinct 215,” Hudson said.

In Tom Green County, there are four races on the ballot.

  • Party chairman - Precinct 215 - Beth Urehik and Steve W. Hampton
  • Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3 - Ron Perry and Stacye Speck
  • Tom Green County Commissioner, Pct. 4 - Shawn Nanny and Bill Ford
  • Tom Green County Judge - Lane Carter and Todd Kolls

In the primary election, Carter received 3,894 votes and Kolls received 3,551 votes. However, they both received less than 50 percent of the votes. 

Todd Kolls said this has been a long campaign, but it's one that has been worth it. 

“The amount of people that have come into our campaign and helped and supported and walked door to door and made phone calls and has done everything that we could possibly do,” Kolls said. 

As for his opponent Lane Carter, he said he's prepared for the runoff.

"I’ve been preparing the same way that I did the primary. Walking streets, talking with as many people as possible getting out there and letting them know what I'm about, what I stand for and why I'm running for this position," Carter said.

Tom Green County residents will also decide races for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3, and County Commissioner, Precinct 4. 

Voting is from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 24. 

Poll locations can be found at tomgreencountytx.gov

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